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» Site Rulebook
Site Rulebook I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 18, 2012 9:00 pm by Crisis

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 Site Rulebook

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Posts : 3
Join date : 2012-11-18

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PostSubject: Site Rulebook   Site Rulebook I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 18, 2012 9:00 pm

Account Regulations

* No spoofing. Spoofing is when you create a username that is too similar or a variation
on an existing name in order to confuse others as to whom a person is. Do not create
a username to intentionally mislead others into thinking you are a member of the
CGen staff or user.

* No offensive accounts. What is deemed to be offensive includes, but is not limited to
user names containing strong language, sexually related terms or any form of
discriminatory speech. Admins reserve the right to ban or temp. ban any account
they deem as offensive. Users banned for this reason must submit a ban review (or
wait out the time) before possibly being allowed a new account.

* You may have multiple accounts if you have multiple characters, an account for each character.

Icons And Signatures

* No icons or signatures directed at another user without consent of that user.

*No signatures that exceed the size of two grids on top of one another.
And by on top of each other, this means stacked atop one another. Not
with them spaced apart. Side by side is fine.

* No flash movie signatures. These are typically too large and also require embedding,
which can often cause problems for many members. As a result, no flash signatures
are tolerated.

* No music signatures. This refers to signatures that play songs. Other users should not
be subjected to the music of your choice; please keep others in mind.

* No signature or icon which prompts any type of pop up for any browser. This is
self-explanatory; if your signature or avatar requires a password, please be sure to
set it for public viewing.

General Conduct

* Again, no flaming.
* Just be nice.
* Don't ever argue with an Administrator or staff member.
* Don't ever abuse your powers. (Staff, seriously follow this.)

There will be very little tolerance for "flaming". Arguments and debates are healthy, however, you may not insult the other party. Flaming includes all of the following points:

* Verbally degrading other users
* Harassing other users persistently in any manner
* Harassing other users private messaging

Posts found to contain this content will have their source warned. Users are asked to use the private messaging system (or off site means) to carry on these debates, however if one party feels the other is harassing them without cause administrators will take action against this person. Repeated instances of this on the public forums may result in a temporary of permanent ban. Each case of flaming will be handled individually and at the sole discretion of the moderators and admins.

Also, when actually carrying out a debate/argument with legitimate reason, turning to vulgar words for sake of holding your end of the argument is not a good idea. If you have to resort to using curse words, then you should do the mature thing and let it go.

However, there is plenty of vulgar language used in the chatbox, usually just joking. This is not a problem and you will not get into any trouble for joking around in the chat, however, there is a limit, if you are offending some one or know you are saying something to offend some one. STOP, you will be banned.

RPG Rules

* No god modding
* All battles must be turned based, this means at the start of the fight, you and everyone in the topic must decide a turn system.
* Take other peoples attributes into thought.
*No auto hitting.
*No killing characters without permission.
*You may only double post if a fight has not been started and your rp partner has not posted in 72 hours without prior notice.
*If you attack someone in a topic and they don't reply within 48 hours without prior notice, your attack auto hits.
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